Resource Kit
Hey sis,
Somebody said it’s power season. It’s get-in-position-and-move season. It’s time to live into your lineage and become the force that God has called to you to be, season! That’s the posture we’re taking and we’re not stepping down from it. (and if you wondered? I’m the somebody.)
With the same energy that we claim the power, we also acknowledge that it involves process. And by now, you know that we don’t back down from that either. We lean in, learn well, and stumble as we may, we get on with going. Evolving, and the process by which we become the version of ourselves that surrenders to the call of our lives, doesn’t come without tough stuff. We’ve experienced the process of growing with God enough to know that and generally, embrace it as true. The challenge often comes when the rubber hits that good ol’ road and we have to move from theory into experience. When the lessons exist in real time and the conflict calls our character out of the shadows and exposes the rugged edges and a little bit of ugly. That process ain’t for the weak. If you’ve been around me for more than a second, you KNOW I KNOW.
Sometimes it’s safer to witness these growth moments outside of ourselves and the realities that color our days, which is why we love a juicy novel. This month’s book will fill that cup right up! The Davenports, the debut novel by Krystle Marquis, is the first of a series and will introduce us to the beauty, and opulence of a wealthy Black family who has to hold--in tension--all that is grand and the more pedestrian reality of what their hearts expose. Set in a historical period of Black America that is often untold, this book will introduce us to women becoming who they’ll be, with what is both beautiful and burdensome. I hope that you’ll wrestle with these enhanced, historical realities. When you do, it is my prayer that you’ll handle yourself with care while looking for the spaces where grace can be extended; to the women in the book and yourself just the same.
Let’s get IN this thing. The road before us is promising and full of power, and we’re not leaving one person behind.
Get in position my girl. It’s time to GO.
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