Resource Kit
Hey sis,
The people tell me that sometimes when I preach, I give gangster. I give fearless. I give ‘the enemy done fooled with the wrong one’. I don’t know what to say to all that, but what I will say is that this hasn’t always been me. The sound of my voice wasn’t necessarily something I loved or believed in. There was too much of my story that made me believe that what I deserved was little more than silence. I allowed that belief to color many years of my life, and then I encountered the truth.
I learned that the scales have always been tipped in the direction of Heaven and because of that, my worth and value far exceeds any lie that threatened to silence me.
And now look at me: called to SPEAK.
So with mic grip and pulpit lean, this is my message to YOU: Time’s up my girl. TIME IS UP. The conversation that we’re having moving forward is no longer about whether we have the goods, or if we are able to do and be who God has called forward. The questions we’re asking are...ok, so how? I’m so glad that this month, we’ve got a good girlfriend to help us get there. Jamie Kern Lima is an IT girl. Quite literally. On top of being a published author, speaker and world renowned trainer, Jamie is the founder and creator of IT cosmetics, a known and loved brand that she started in her living room and sold to L’Oreal in a billion-dollar deal. (YES WITH A B, CHILE!) Jamie’s story is a testimony and the fruit of this testimony is felt all over the world. She’s seen success and she gives generously in response. She’s amazing and WE love her down! I’m sure you will too.
Imagine walking around like your Father, creator of all, who reigns over the entire universe, and all while doing his BIG heavenly business, He decided it couldn’t all exist without you. For you: what an affirming and loving existence. Of Him: what an elite and divine flex.
If that doesn’t cement for you how deeply called and worthy you are; we’re going to have to have another conversation.
Truly, from my heart, I hope you embrace these words and this moment and this love and this freedom. He called you forth. And now? It’s time.
Let’s GO.
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